New! Living Vino Wine Tasting Flights.
ახალი! ცოცხალი ღვინო სადეგუსტაციო ღვინის სეტები.
Новинка! Винные дегустационные сеты.
Launch Offer! Come visit us on the 31st July from 6pm onwards and get a free organic & artisanal Bruschetta (with hummus, tomato, grilled tofu, avocado and homemade basil pesto) with every flight. Wine stories included:)
What are our wine tasting fights? You can try natural wines that were carefully selected by our wine expert and Sommelier. Each flight of 4 wines is 20 GEL (65ml each or half of our regular glass).
We are going to open bottles of natural wine that are not available by the glass. Don’t miss this opportunity to try our exciting Natural Wine Flights like this ‘Flower Power’ Aromatic Whites:
- Start with delicious sparkling Pet Nat ‘Definitely Maybe’ by Ori Marani
- Tsitska-Mtsvane by Doremi Wines
- Tsitska-Tsolikouri-Krakhuna by Badimi
- Tsolikouri by Khimshiashvili Cellar
-> discover more sets, check them out online here!
No nasties in your wine means no headaches!
Enjoy delicious wines that are better for you.
ღვინო დანამატების გარეშე ნაკლები თავისტკივილია.
დალევ სუფთა ყურძნის წვენს – თავის ტკივილს არ იწვევს!
Без вредных добавок в вине – без лишней головной боли.
Наслаждайтесь вкусными винами, которые лучше для вас!
#livingvino #ცოცხალიღვინო #ცოცხალი #ღვინო #живое #вино #winetasting #nonasties #noheadaches #бездобавок #безголовнойболи #новинка #дегустация #სადეგუსტაციო #ღვინის #სეტები